In the 1950 ,1960 the US and Russia were fighting to take control of Central and South America. The truth is that as the Communists always lied to earn people’s credibility, the more I grew up hearing that America was a cursed country, which as the years went by discovering the truth and realized that it was really the opposite, America has helped many nations not fall into the hands of the Communist Dictatorships.

My name is Mafalda Elena Casas-Cordero, I am originally Chilean and lived in the 60s and 70s witnessing my country become impoverished and the destitute neighborhoods grew and how the country fell into the hands of the communists, I witnessed all this Communist strategy accomplish its task. I witnessed the Communist and Socialist militants, these damn animals killing, dismembering and burning the owners of Ranches , their families and workers, and expropriating property .

One of the events that marked me psychologically for a lifetime was what happened  in  November 30, 1970, in the truce farm of Panguipulli, Sauth of Chile , in a particularly tragic way Antonieta Maachel died, who committed suicide after the takeover, kidnapping, looting and being raped by more than 30 Communist Terrorist consecutively inside her house. When this happen I was very young girl but until today after 50 years I remember her and honor her .

Chile, became overrun with Terrorist Communist from Cuban, Vietnam. Uruguay, Peru, Russia ( KGB) and many others , arms smugglers arrived by sea and through the north of the country. Until Supreme Court decide the dictator of Salvador Allende was acting against the constitution asking his resignation, also various private sectors and the Congress determined to impeach the Dictator Salvador Allende, on August 23, 1973, two-thirds of the chamber of deputy voted in favor and sent the House of Senators for discussion and voting , on August 24, 1973 Allende radioed Revolution, asked his followers to have their Weapons ready and to wait for the call to take the country, but in the same time the Chilean Navy discovered how the Communists had infiltrated the Navy and planned a self-strike that would overwhelm the country in a civil war, the name of that plan is PLAN Z , even if many say it never existed, I tell you that existed, I lived that time and I know why the Chilean Navy put the ultimatum organized the military pronouncement, that never was a COUP, although many Politicians of Democrats in the USA want to award this pronunciation and to the activities of the FBI and CIA in Latin America unfortunately for them the truth that did not, this decision was unique and directly of the Chilean people together with the Armed Forces and the Order of Chile , was not influenced by North American money or any external influence, the external influence that could be mentioned is that Russia, China and Cuba were influencing the Workers by making promises to create a revolution and thus seize the power of the country and seize the lives of Chilean citizens.

On September 11, 1973, early in the morning, the Chilean Navy was located throughout Chile and in its posts and was followed by the Chilean Army, chile’s Aviation and Chile’s Carabinieri, they overtaken the Communists and Socialists and we were able to rescue our country from the communist and socialist hands, that day is Chile’s victorious day when we won the war on the Communists , This is historical, for 50 years the media and the Communists and Socialists have done their best to keep this story un told, Today Victims are ignore  and the criminal become the victim.

On September 14, 1973, three days after the military pronouncement in Chile, my friend Mario Longhi, my friend Gena and I decided to take a walk along the coast of Valparaíso, it was early, we had time to take the walk and then Mario would leave the houses of each of us, we determined to go along the route of the sea to Playancha when we arrived passing in front of the Naval Academy on the side of the park, we felt some shots and that the line of cars stopped Military made us park at the edge of the street and tell us to lower our bodies to the floor of the car, so we did,  Gina, Mario and I and the rest of the people who were in the other cars spent hours and hours listening to the guerrillas, You could hear how some of the bullets pink the car, we spent hours and hours with anguish and fear and hoping that none of us would get a bullet and that none of them would go through the car, they were very terrible and stressful moments, we were very afraid, we all remembered our family , Mario within his concern tried to calm us down, until apparently the Military were able to move the guerrillas to a distance where they would allow them to protect us all, it was a very long line of cars, the Military asked us to get out of the cars for our safety and enter the house that they indicated,  Upon entering they asked us that all the inhabitants of the houses and we who were just entering for our safety throw ourselves to the ground and stay that way until further notice,  a Military stayed inside each of the houses to protect the passers-by who had been isolated to protect ourselves and so we spent hours and hours, the hours became eternal listening to the friction of the bullets in the street and on the walls of the houses, it was terrible I felt that we would never end that terrible experience,  At some point I realized that it was dawn and that I had spent the whole night on the floor of that house of unknown people. Once the Terrorist attack was over we were taken to the Naval Academy where they asked us to identify ourselves, they took our names and did not sign next to our name on a list, they made us wait for the curfew to end to let us go, after the traumatizing event we were all anxious to get home,   at least let our families know we were okay, our friend took each of us home, When my mother arrived, she asked me where I was going, crying I told her what had happened to me. This event also marked my life forever creating in me a lot of anxiety and the truth a lot of gratitude to the Armed Forces and the order that had saved our lives.


During that terrorist attack, a girl Soledad Poblete and three soldiers died, and four members of the Chilean Army were wounded, which today I take advantage of honoring for them;

Soledad Poblete, a small inhabitant of the O’Higgins neighborhood of Valparaiso , only ten years old, that  day was hit by a war projectile that entered through the window of the second floor of her house while she was in the company of her family.

Army Conscript Soldier; Daniel Diaz Quezada

Army Conscript Soldier; Juan Ordenes Torres

Army Conscript Soldier; Carlos Acevedo Isamit


Army Conscript Soldier, Miguel Díaz,

2nd Army Corporal Carlos Cardenas Lopez,

2nd Army Corporal Hector Figueroa Guzman,

2nd Army Corporal Jorge González Pinto

and the 2nd Army Corporal, Hugo Araneda Muñoz.

My life apparently normalized until in 1987 Pope John Paul second visited Chile, on April 2, 1987 my cousin Cristina and I when the Pope was going in the direction of the national stadium we had the opportunity of being very close to him and receiving his blessing passing near my cousin’s house that was Pedro de Valdivia street in the direction of the National Stadium, the next day would be the canonization of Sister Teresa of Los Andes in the park O “Higgins, my cousin and I went, we were in a very convenient location where we could see the Pope very well , it was a crowd of thousands of people waiting to hear them and receive their blessings, from one moment to another the Communist terrorist of the Marxcist were present to attack the Pope, serious disturbances occurred during the ceremony . The appropriate repression exercised by the Chile Police managed to control the Marxist Terrorists, added to the violence with which these groups acted, this Terrorist action did NOT force the Pope to stop, he with the strength of his Faith followed the Mass in which he made good triumph by softening against Terrorism, he talk about the importance of justice, peace and non-violence and the consequences that terrorism brings to the countries where it occurs, he controlled the situation and ended the ceremony in peace and with respect to the canonization of Saint Teresa de los Andes that was taking place  .

The serenity in which John Paul II remained was impressive and allowed to continue with the ceremony that was closed with the phrase “love is stronger”, considered as a symbol for the reconciliation of the country.  The ceremony, before half a million people, which was interrupted by terrorists left 600 wounded, several of them from bullets.

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