In Victims of Communism and Terrorism in the USA., we are a movement that defends the rights and protects the memory of the victims of Communism=Terrorism = Corruption , we are people of different nationalities mostly Latin Americans who have been directly or indirectly victims of Communism=Terrorism = Corruption in our respective countries, we are equal people to all those who are joining us to prevent Communism that is actually MORAL DECADENCE from taking over  our lives in our countries and our lives in our children and grandchildren.

We have to go back a lot to world history to understand what happens in the world and in our respective countries today, but in order to attend to the terrible events that the world is experiencing today and its consequences of the bad decisions made in the past we have to take knowledge of its origin, in this segment we will refer to Latin America and how the decisions of the past have Latin America in the Communist Terrorists and their associates. We have taken as a point of reference events of great importance and more contemporary that will help us understand the origin of the Moral Degradation that humanity is experiencing today.

After the Second World War, international organizations such as the United Nations were created. The United Nations is an international organization founded in 1945 after World War II by 51 countries that committed themselves to maintaining INTERNATIONAL PEACE AND SECURITY,  fostering friendly relations among nations and promoting social progress, improvement of living standards and Human Rights, https://www.un.org/en/about-us/history-of-the-un  , In April 1949, NATO was formed www.nato.com,  its 12 founders—the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, France, and eight other European nations—signed the North Atlantic Treaty, pledging to protect each other by political and military means.  Since then, the alliance has grown: today it has 30 members, in the 50s the United States and NATO at strategic points of the world put missiles.  https://missilethreat.csis.org/missile/jupiter/

one of the very sensitive places for Russia was in Turkey which caused Russia with its KGB secret service to find a way to build the missiles in Cuba. In the government of JF Kennedy the North American secret service discovered these facilities in Cuba which led these two nations to the missile crisis of the 60s.

https://microsites.jfklibrary.org/cmc/, This crisis could see a Nuclear war arrive what could have been a disaster for all humanity, the diplomatic process to resolve this chaos and the agony of people worldwide lasted 13 days, a period in which between these two nations there were secret meetings, more details in the following links.

https://www.jfklibrary.org/learn/about-jfk/jfk-in-history/cuban-missile-crisis , https://microsites.jfklibrary.org/cmc/

What was published in the press of the time regarding this issue, is that Russia and the United States agreed to remove the missiles from the respective places, which over the years and other investigations and contact with the people who were part of this process and who today are retired and elderly in the United States,  I have been informed that the missiles that the United States put on Turkey and the missiles that Russia put on Cuba were never removed from their positions. What has been proven today is that in one of those secret meetings JF Kennedy with Nikita Khrushchev …… He promised never to invade Cuba, a promise that was never officially reported to the North American people and that as a consequence left Fidel Castro and Che Guevara free to turn Cuba into the training and export nest of terrorism in the world, especially Central and South America.

Since then Latin America has experienced the terrible consequences of this decision that as a consequence betrayed the right to live in Peace and Freedom of the Latin American peoples, leaving the region for more than 60 years exposed to Cuban Communist Terrorism that today dresses in different names and colors around the world.

The following is an excerpt from how Communist Terrorism and Corruption has affected the region.

Victims of the South American Guerrillas.

Once Fidel Castro triumphed and acceded by arms to power in Cuba on January 1, 1959, establishing the Marxist regime that has been in power for more than 60 years, shortly after and for the sake of Proletarian Internationalism, the OLAS  organization was created to disseminate and finance with money, weapons is military instruction throughout the American continent.  Chilean Socialist Senator Salvador Allende was elected President and Che Guevara Secretary before being executed in Bolivia in October 1967. Let us review the conclusion of the conclave: “The first objective of the People’s Revolution on the continent is the seizure of power through the destruction of the bureaucratic military apparatus of the State and in its place the armed people, to change the existing social and economic regime. Such a goal is only achievable through armed struggle.”

Havana, Cuba, 1967. Guevara himself had said about creating “100 Viet Nam in the Americas, if necessary,” referring to implementing guerrilla and revolutionary foci in the countries. That was the level of the organization that they have in Chile, the official declaration of the conclave of the Socialist Party in the city of Chillán more or less on that same date, concluded something similar and declares war on the bourgeois state of Chile. For the aforementioned to counteract it, the United States created the School of the Americas in Panama and the TIAR (Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance).

Already from 1960 the following began to appear MARXIST  movements destabilizing democratic governments throughout South America: The FARC and ELN in Colombia, Montoneros and ERP in Argentina, Shining Path and Tupac Amaru in PeruSandinistas  in Nicaragua  , Tupamaros in Uruguay    ,  MIR  in Chile etc., which sowed terror throughout South America, leaving hundreds of thousands dead and damage that we later recount, after years at the end of the conflicts, the situation remains the same throughout the southern, central and northern cone of the Americas, none of these terrorists have been arrested and all of them with amnesty,  However, the soldiers who fought these Communist terrorists are all imprisoned for the invention of alleged human rights violations, as if the guerrillas had not violated the human rights of entire peoples, with their kidnappings, bombings, bombings of trains and subway lines, murders, roadblocks, demolishing light towers, water pipelines,  gas etc., and today all the subversives have been compensated in millions of dollars as “Victims” because the Communist Terrorists have been able to do that very well and continue to fleece the same states that they attacked. Moreover, many of them are Honorable Senators, Deputies and have even become Presidents after being part of assassinations., planning of terrorist actions of all kinds including kidnappings, an example in Chile Michelle Bachelet was part of altruist groups and became President of Chile, as well as Gabriel Boric, the current president, and many others like them in the American continent such as Lula Da Silva a corrupt friend of the cartels, drug traffickers, was imprisoned for corruption and leftist judges released him,  Castro’s right hand and that today with the intervention of the White House, Biden’s administration managed to interfere in the elections and puts the Brazilian people in the hands of communism, leaving the South American giant in the hands of real gangsters, harming all of Latin America. 

Subversion in 2021:

She is no longer explicit as was the Declaration of the Waves in Havana in  1967.The radical leftism, has mutated as taught them Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937 Italy), who cunningly and coldly made communism mutate by taking it out of the violent way, which in modern times, is rejected and leads to nothing and chose to come to power sibilinously by another way,  The penetration and annihilation of the fundamental institutions of Western democracies, such as Religion, the Armed Forces, Colleges, Lyceums, Universities, Ministries of Government, Legislative and Judicial System penetrate them, discredit them, so that they cannot oppose or resist the final assault to obtain power. It is what in the Marxist nomenclature is called the Psychopolitical War, which most Latin American countries have lost and are at the mercy of the Terrorist, Corrupt Communist left, which is the phenomenon we are seeing in all Latin American countries. These guidelines were given for all of South America in the sadly famous Sao Paulo Forum, convened and financed by Lula Da Silva in 1990 (right hand of Fidel Castro and Chaves and today president of Brazil), thus came leaders of radical left to power such as Lula Da Silva himself, Chávez, Maduro Dilma, Correa, Lugo, Evo,  the Kirchner, Samper, Ortega, Bachelet, Boric among others. Subsequently, this international leftist forum was relaunched in the so-called Puebla Forum, one of whose main inspirers is the current President of Argentina Fernández, accompanied by a shady character of Chilean politics Marcos Enriquez (MEO, son of the creator of the Chilean terrorist group MIR) today formalized by corruption. For example, and this information can be found on social networks, speeches or brief comments by Maduro and Diosdado Cabello on the internet where they threaten us that “The Plan is fulfilled.”  Maduro referring to the aforementioned Forum of San Pablo and Diosdado euphoric announcing for South America the arrival of a “Bolivarian Breeze, which can be transformed into a hurricane.”

The above is compatible that communism has always acted on different fronts: the legal one would be to be members of parliament and other government positions and the illegal or called Agitation and Propaganda, always in the street harassing, discrediting, attacking using violent actions, making protests and strikes etc. Thus the Chilean Communist Party did not sign any agreement of the constitutional convention and threatens to surround the building of the commissioners, as a measure of force, to force them to write what they want (agreement of their last conclave of 2021). When the young Communist Deputy Camila Vallejos took office, she said: “We will be with one foot in Congress and the other in the street” nothing new, that is consubstantial to them, it has always been so, not to be surprised then.

Catastre of the Victimsthe numbers of victims in this report are estimates because no one has an exact record, it is presumed that there are many victims of whom they were never known.

1.Colombia (FARC and ELN still operating in the north of the country)

Civilian and military victims from 1964 to date, 300,000, kidnapped were only 23,000 people, of extortive kidnappings in search of financing. They negotiated the peace process, some fulfilled others did not, they fled returning to the jungle. Displaced by the guerrillas around 7 million people, especially humble and uneducated peasants, located in the areas that they appropriated in Colombia, from Generals to soldiers are about 3,000 those convicted with unfair processes for confronting the guerrillas, with sentences of 60 years. Their worst enemy has been the state, which they once swore to defend. This type of effort intimidates, corners and annihilates the will to fight of the Armies, not only the Colombian Armies, but throughout the world. Now they are taken to the Transitional Justice of the JEP, prepared by former President Santos with the Guerrillas in Cuba, with total uncertainty regarding their judicial future.

Dr. Petro, leftist extremist and former guerrilla, remains a relevant political figure in Colombia, was a presidential candidate supposedly won the elections, it has been confirmed that with the help of the White House his politicians and the State Department the elections in Colombia were also intervened by Twitter.

Source: Own knowledge and television interview with Colonel Hernán Mejía, in the program Vicky Dávila on radio W. On the web. Colonel Mejia was one of the persecutors of FARC guerrilla Timoshenko. Very interesting and profound account of the situation they live in Colombia.


 5,000 members of the Armed and Security Forces were killed. Terrorists pardoned and today 100 elderly soldiers imprisoned for fighting them. Guatemala also has a large number of organizations recruited by the left and NGOs aimed at persecuting members of the Armed Forces and other organizations opposed to them. The Catholic Church had the so-called “Guerrilla Priests” who did a lot of damage. The guerrilla presence and its aggressiveness in the country was enormous. This is reported in the 10-volume work called “Battles for Guatemala” which tells the story before, during and after the internal armed conflict, the author Oscar Platero, Journalist, Writer, Criminologist, who as an officer being active in the Guatemalan Army received decorations for having faced the guerrillas resulting seriously wounded in multiple confrontations. (now retired from the Army). More background of their studies on the web.


 Victims of the Armed Forces 100. There are 23 elderly soldiers in prison, others with house arrest and many who died in captivity. The guerrillas had even President of the Republic: Tabaré Vásquez and Pepe Mujica (His wife Topolansky killed 2 policemen in the back and became First Lady of Uruguay). The Tupamaros were recognized for the violence and great damage they caused in a cultured and small country.

Source: Freedom and Concord Forum scholars.


The victims caused by the Shining Path and MRTA are 70,000 and 20 billion dollars in material losses caused to Peru. As always, only the communist leader of Sendero Abismael Guzmán is imprisoned, the others all amnestied and collecting pensions from the State. There are about 1,000 military personnel imprisoned for having confronted them. Now in the 2022 elections, the recalcitrant communist of the old guard Castillo became president.

Source: Buenos Aires Forum and testimony of victims of terrorism, such as Josué, whose father Mayor of a small Andean city was executed by the guerrillas in front of little Josué.


     The subversion of MIR, FPMR, Russian-backed terrorists caused 550 victims belonging to the Armed Forces, Police. The Military and Police who fought them, including 3 women, add up to a total of 202 in prison at this time, are elderly people over 70 years 90.

The terrorists all received amnesty and enjoy freedom and are being paid compensation that from 1990 to date are more than 6,000,000 (Six thousand) million dollars, recognized by the then Minister of Justice Hernán Larraín.

Civilian victims since 1960,70,80.90 more than a thousand and to date after the terrorist attack of 2019 it is estimated that victims of Terrorist Communism in Chile passes to the figure of 5000 civilian victims and members of the Carabineros de Chile

Source: Rettig Report and other sources of information such as the book La verdad Olvidada del Terrorismo en Chile 1968-1996 Editorial Maye 2007.


Enthroned in power for more than a decade the former Sandinista guerrilla Daniel Ortega and his wife Vice President, a Marxist nepotism in power. In the protests against him between 2020 and 2021, 500 people have already died.

Sources: open.


The guerrillas acted fiercely in the 1970s, preparing the assault on power, which was finally thwarted by the military junta. The guerrillas left millions of dollars in material damage and a multitude of dead in their actions. The fallen of the Armed Forces, including Army, Air Force, Navy, Police, Gendarmerie and Penitentiary Service throughout the country are: 508 victims. The civilians killed by Peronist groups, Triple A and others are, 451.Es say almost a thousand victims of these violent groups It is appropriate to point out that among them there are two Chilean militant of the People’s Revolutionary Army of Argentina, executed by another rival group on April 6, 1975 they are: Juan Cifuentes and Enrique Franchini.

More than 600 members of the Armed Forces have already died in prison across Argentina.

Source: in part ” The other part of the truth” by Nicolás Márquez/2004.

NOTE: Many of these antecedents are acquired by the author during his research visits as a member of the Buenos Aires Forum, in that city, Montevideo, Lima and Bogotá.

Marcelo Elissalde Martel, Lawyer, Human Rights Observer/Chile and Mafalda Casas Cordero Founder of the Organization in Defense of the Rights of Victims of Communist Terrorism.

Analyzing the physical and psychological injuries that terrorism can produce in people, almost everyone knows the scope of the former. However, psychic sequelae are usually analyzed superficially and even as something accessory, not considering their high severity in this type of event.

In fact, criminal law has traditionally paid attention to the physical injuries of victims but has ignored the psychological damage.

Extracts from    https://masterforense.com/pdf/2007/2007art9.pdf

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